The Hawthorns

The Hawthorns is one of our newest additions at ROC Northwest, but is already making a big difference to our young people’s lives.
The Hawthorns, offers residential care for 4 children between the ages of 8 and 18. Specially adapted to the needs of children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural difficulties. Our Young People are treat with the appropriate resect and treated as individuals with person centred planning. Our ‘firm but fair’ approach has been extremely successful in the past and continues to make a positive contribution to children’s lives.
Located in Lancaster, The Hawthorns is designed to integrate our children into the community, promoting positive social skills which will become necessary for an independent later life.
Young People at The Hawthorns have their own personalised room and communal areas. This allows the children to practise their taught social skills, building lasting, supportive friendships in the home; we believe that this is essential as it shows the Young Person the emotional reward of maintaining positive relationships.
Within the local area our young people attend a range of recreational facilities including parks, libraries and sports facilities. In this time, they often work in grouped or paired activities to create lasting friendships and develop social skills and understanding. We encourage our young people to engage with our neighbours and local community, ensuring they make a positive contribution and make progress as individuals.
At The Hawthorns, staff are determined to provide a safe, stable caring and nurturing environment, bringing stability to our young people’s lives. Children are treated as individuals and given the appropriate respect as well as the resources to make their own decisions, with the support of staff if necessary.